Happy Wednesday my loves!
I’m just back from a 3 day work trip to North Carolina where I got to spend time with 4 other amazing women who I’ll be working alongside in a new team that the Lord has formed to impact the next generation. I’m still reflecting on the time this morning but man was it good for my soul.
As I continue to sit with God in this season I recognize that there are many ways that this current season of my life is so gratifying and fulfilling. There are also many ways that this season looks nothing like what I thought it would at this point. Both things are true, however the one that I choose to focus on is what’s going to shape my heart posture and how much I’m able to enjoy this season.
One thing that I’ve learned in my short 32 years so far is that God truly will never fail me. I’ve also learned that the way he comes through for me may not be the way I anticipated, but still he’ll never fail me.
Sometimes I think when we say “God won’t fail me” we think that means he’s going to work out a situation in line with our greatest hope. Sometimes he will. Sometimes he won’t.
The promise that he won’t fail us isn’t about circumstances always turning out the way that we’d hoped. It’s about him never failing to redeem a circumstance.
When I was going through my divorce there was a point in which my prayers shifted from Lord save my marriage to Lord have your way. Your will be done. I had to lay down my pride of not wanting to be the face of a failed marriage. I had to surrender all the thoughts about what people would think. I had to offer up to God the shame I felt that this was my portion and allow him to exchange that for renewed identity.
Though that time was very painful it’s very hard for me to look back on it with a negative perspective. So much was produced in me through that season. Did it have to go that way? Probably not. But God redeemed the unfaithful decisions of man. That’s what makes him faithful.
So for the weary, tired, and depressed soul today I challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit what exchange you need to make. What do you need to release from your hands so that God can give you something different in return?
Your list of what you want in a spouse or how you want your current spouse to change?
Your timeline for when you want kids?
A relationship that has expired that you’re still clinging to?
A relationship that didn’t work out that you thought was it?
Shame because you’ve been waiting so long already and that thing still hasn’t happened?
That new job opportunity you were hoping would come by now but it hasn’t?
That business that isn’t growing yet at the rate you’d hoped?
That friendship you thought was a “for lifer” that turned out to be seasonal?
I want to encourage you sis that none of these desires are bad. We just have to be women that say even when we stare disappointment in the face that we will be resolute in our faithfulness to God. We have to fight for our joy.
We serve a loving Father that wants to exchange your burdens for his light yoke. Will you make the exchange?
Here is a song to encourage you. Play it in your time with the Lord and allow it to minister to you in the ways you need.
You’re so loved by a perfect Father, sis.
Share this with a friend or on your social media if you think someone else could be encouraged by this. 🤍